'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Remember how I used to blog?

Ugh. Ok, so I'll admit it. I totally suck at maintaining this thing. I think about it a lot, I have every intention of updating it, but time always just seems to slip away and I never get back to it. But here I am! And guess what. In all this time, I DIDN'T fall off the wagon, and I DIDN'T gain any weight back! Boo-yah! There is SOOO much that has happened in the past year or so it would take me a dozen pages if I wrote about it all. So here are the big events just to get you up to speed. ;)
- Like I said already, I didn't fall off the wagon. When I broke my wrist I kept right on training. We adjusted and kept at it! It was weird going in to work out every day with a big cast (especially with weight training!) but it went fine and after the cast was off Mandy slowly got me back to normal. Well, not completely back to normal, because shortly after I broke my wrist I found out.....
- I was pregnant!!!  In October I found out that I was expecting! I am so proud to introduce you to Lucas Andrew!  
 He is now 4 months old and is the sweetest, most smiley baby ever!  He definitely needs to work on the whole sleeping at night thing, but he is my little sweetheart.  Ian is now 4 years old, so smart and so funny, and he loves his little brother to pieces.  I can tell they are going to have a wonderful relationship.
- When I was about 6 months pregnant, I got some incredibly sad news that Mandy was moving to Cleveland.  She got a job promotion and her girlfriend's family is there so she made the move.  While I was so happy for her, I was heartbroken to lose her.  Not only as my trainer, but as one of my best friends.  I can't even describe how sad I was...we had become so close, and I really feel like God put her in my life to save me from myself, to turn my life around, and she did.  It took a lot of adjusting and a lot more tears to get through her leaving, and I miss her immensely but we are still great friends and talk all the time.  I'd love for her to move back but I am happy that she is happy. :)
- When Mandy moved I stuck with the gym until I was too pregnant to keep working out too much.  Luke was born in June and I am just recently getting back into my groove.  I have a wonderful amazing pilates instructor/friend that I work with named Jami who has definitely been a huge support for me through the end my pregnancy and beyond.  I do pilates with her once a week and we do cardio together once a week...I am SO grateful for her!!  I also started personal training again, just once a week for now, but that may increase as things settle in my new dual-children life.  And get this...it's a male trainer!  I never thought I would have the guts to train with a guy but I thought I'd give it a shot.  So far so good!
- Weight wise things are good.  I am currently at about 225.  I started at 261 at my heaviest, and got pregnant at 220.  I didn't gain more than 10 pounds with Luke...after he was born I've been up and down about 10 pounds, down to 215, up to 225 or so.  I'm so proud of myself that even through Mandy leaving and the pregnancy I am still sticking to things.  Of course I'd love things to progress faster but slow and steady wins the race!  I am really on the right track now that I have my gym stuff back on the schedule so I'm looking forward to what progress I can make the next few months!
My goal with this blog now is just to use it to try and stay accountable.  I hope to check in often, even if it's just a few lines, to share how things are going.  (Ok, or maybe to post a cute pic or two of my kids, I'll be honest, haha;)  I am so blessed that God has given me the strength to keep me on this path despite all the obstacles that have come along.  Life is good!

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