'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Am I being punked??

Just a quick post to share my big accomplishment of the day. I skipped Dairy Queen! That's right folks...you read that right. I passed on ice cream. Therefore I expect to be down at LEAST 3 or 4 pounds in the morning. That's how that works, right? ;)

I'm actually pretty proud I got through this day at all...it started with a series of frustrating events, and ended with the same. Got up this morning and within an hour had managed to explode oatmeal all over the microwave, change a totally exploded diaper, blow a circuit breaker, clean up a potty training mess off the bathroom floor and manage to hit myself square in the face with a mop handle. All before 9:30am! Good times. The boys both had doctor's appointments today too, which actually went well, aside from the chaos that taking a 4 year old and 4 month old to the doctor entails. They did both get shots, which leads me to the frustrating events of the evening...Ian is beside himself that his leg hurts (so much that he is limping...don't worry people, he was fine to run around at the playground for more than an hour and half this afternoon) and Luke has a fever. Trying to help the poor baby feel better I end up almost choking him with baby Tylenol (I didn't give him too much, he just isn't used to that consistency or method). Ugh!

All that on just a few hours of sleep. But I can't be too frustrated....I mean, look at these two..it's all worth it. ;)

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