'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Show Time!

Yesterday was our (mostly) annual trip to the Circleville Pumpkin Show.  My grandparents took me when I was little, and then in high school my band marched in the parade.  When Ian was born I took him when he was only about a month old and we try to go every year..and this was Luke's first visit!  It was a windy but fun day.  Here we are all ready to head out.  Clearly Luke is fascinated by his big brother!
Here's my little pumpkin all ready to check out the show. :)

Getting Ian to look at the camera is a serious accomplishment in itself these days.

This man was soo sweet, he reminded me of my grandpa in a way.  He is the farmer who grew the prize winning giant pumpkin!  Ian liked him a lot too.

Ian got a kick out of this dog...he was at a booth for dog training.  So adorable!  He stayed up on that hydrant for at least 3 or 4 minutes!

So we tried the mini pumpkin doughnuts.  I was pretty pumped up for them, but honestly?  I like the plain ones better. ;)
My little guy doing what he does best (at least during the daytime-haha).
I love this picture of us..he is the most smiley baby, it just makes me so happy when I see his cute little grin!

And here's my big boy all tuckered out on the way home.  He was such a sweet boy all day, I am so blessed with these little guys!

I went into the day with the idea that I was taking a day off of worrying too much about my eating...I was going to pretty much have whatever I wanted.  When it came down to it though, I ended up having a few mini doughnuts, a few french fries (I split an order with mom and Ian) and a piece of pumpkin pie I shared with Ian.  DEFINITELY not healthy stuff, but for all day at a festival with ice cream, fried cheese, deep fried buckeyes, candy, brownies, cream puffs, pizza, and much more I think I did okay.  To me, that's the key to all of this.  Common sense and moderation.  I enjoyed myself, I didn't feel deprived, I got back on track afterwards and I didn't spend all day obsessing over food.  It's so nice to finally start feeling like I can control my food instead of it controlling me.  

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