'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Weight Wars

If there was ever a day that made me want to binge eat today would be it!!  My poor little boy is sick, and we spent all night cleaning up, doing laundry, cuddling him, and it still went on into the morning.  Now he has a fever and an awful headache.  My poor guy! On top of that, the baby doesn't make it easy to focus on Ian since he wants held all day long.  I wish I had another set of hands!

So I am really having a battle with the scale.  Not the scale really but with the urge to weigh-in.  A couple years ago I was so obsessed with it...I would weigh in every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.  I drove myself insane!  Not to mention that if I happened to go up a pound or something my whole day was ruined and I usually got off track with the frustration.  So I really taught myself to stop doing that...stop monitoring it so closely and focus more on the effort and changes in my body than numbers on the scale.  A couple weeks ago when I decided to really get down to business I vowed I would only weigh once a week.  I did great the first week or two but this week I just had this big urge to check it yesterday.  Well lo and behold I was up 2 pounds!!  I didn't panic, I didn't get upset, I buckled down (although I already was doing perfectly fine so I'm not sure where it came from..probably water weight) and kept at it.  So today I got up and thought, I bet it's back to normal now, so I weighed in again!!  And it was the same as yesterday.  So frustrating!  I'm not even that mad at the weight, I'm mad at myself for checking it!  Logically I know the reasons for the change...it could be hormonal, I could have to go to the bathroom (sorry, it's the truth ;), it could be water weight, it could be a lot of things!  And I still have 4 more days before I weigh in officially.  So I promise, I will NOT weigh in more than once a week.  I will not weigh again until Sunday.  And I also promise that even if Sunday's results aren't what I want I will NOT get frustrated and I will keep going.  This is my life and I am learning how to lead it as a healthy strong woman.  Not a quitter.  No matter the ups and downs, I'm in this for the long haul!


nowfaithforu said...

I understand the temptation of the scale. I weigh in once a week at the same time. Because weight is like a roller coaster too unstable and it can be discouraging. But it takes discipline to not jump on there lol.

Michelle you are doing amazing. You are really inspiring me to reach my goals as well. Keep it moving.

Rediscovering Michelle... said...

Thanks my friend. I really appreciate that. It DEFINITELY takes some crazy self control...that scale calls my name all morning! I try to get up and drink a big glass of water or something first thing so then I won't weigh because I know it will be wrong LOL. I really appreciate the encouragement..you know you've always been that for me! :)