'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Weekend Away

I am so excited to be headed out of town this weekend...it's been so long! Even though Ian is coming with me it's still going to be good to get a mini-vacation. Not that taking Ian is bad, but it just takes twice as long to get ready and get going with an infant. But when he's this cute, I can't be too upset;) (I know, I'm a dork, I just can't help it! I am a little bit in love with him:)

I love this boy so much! I'll tell you, I am only going for 2 days and my trunk looks like Babies R Us threw up in it. I never would have imagined that having a child would make it so treacherous to travel...have to get the stroller, the pack and play, the play mat, toys, clothes, diapers, etc. etc. and I am sure I am forgetting things too. Whew, I am exhausted and I haven't even gotten my own things together yet!!

So tomorrow is weigh-in day...I have to see if I met Karen's 10 pound challenge! I am so excited...I've been perfect with my eating; I am really trying to not only follow my points but also make my choices healthy ones. I've really been eating a lot of fruits and veggies and more whole grains, less (white) carbs and processed foods. More water. So far I'm feeling pretty good. I'm going on 3 weeks now and I am so proud! I've struggled for a long time to even stick with something for even a day or two, so this is a big accomplishment for me. And I am going to keep at it! My goal for this weekend is to not go crazy:) I plan to loosen up for just the two days I'm there but still overall to try and make healthy choices and normal portions. Luckily it's Karen that I am staying with so I know I'll have her to help. I'm actually excited to see the scale in the morning! It's been really challenging but when it gets rough I just take time and think about my son, and what I want for him...how I want so badly for him to be healthy and for ME to be healthy for him AND for myself. I am going to succeed...even if it takes me a couple years...I am going to do this.

Hope everyone has a great weekend:)

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