'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

'You have always had the power, my dear, you have had it all along'

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What a feeling:)

So I've been meaning to write for a week or so and just haven't gotten to it. But TODAY was such a big important day that I just had to make an entry.

So it's July 9th. If you've read my posts from last year, you know that last fall I signed up for a 90 day challenge at the gym. I was deadset on winning and for a while I was doing really well. I stopped writing sometime in August I think, and in September everything went downhill. Jeff turned 31, then my mom threw a big party for my 30th birthday, and then we had a huge blowout for Ian's 2nd birthday. With all the festivities, I gained a pound or two back and got so frustrated that I ended up quitting and not finishing the challenge. I steadily gained weight back through the rest of the year and ended up at my highest weight of 261 when I walked back into the gym to meet with Mandy on January 9th, 2011.

A little over 3 months ago, during one of our sessions, Mandy asked if I had heard about the 90 day Spring challenge coming up. I said yes, I had, and that I had done the last 90 day challenge and dropped out... She interupted me and said, "Well, you're doing this one and you're going to do awesome and you're going to finish". I was nervous and not really looking forward to it because my weight loss is so slow going (which is totally OK but not conducive to winning a challenge like that). But the entire time she kept telling me it's not about winning, it's about doing the best I can for myself.

SOOOOO, today was 90 days. I had my official weigh "out" today. Drum roll.................I lost 23.6 pounds!!!!! I am so thrilled with myself:) I don't know where I placed yet but I know it's up there pretty good. I know I didn't win but I am SO proud of finishing and of doing so well. And on top of all this good stuff, today is my 6 month point w/ Mandy. Since I started with her/the gym I have lost a total of 33 pounds! AND the icing on the cake is that I went shopping yesterday and bought a pair of 16 pants. My old pants are size 22. That is THREE sizes people. Give it up! hehe:) SO ok, they were Gloria Vanderbuilt brand which runs big, but STILL. It doesn't start with a 2!

So it was a big exciting day for me. I'll let the pictures show you how happy I am. I am so blessed to finally be getting my life back.

So here is me almost exactly a year ago.....

And here is today...... :)

I'm getting there baby!!

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